Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Apple Picking

Every year for the last four we've gone apple picking at Butternut Farm in Farmington, NH. The last two years we were joined by our good friends the Heaths but sadly they've moved to NC. On the bright side Nathan had most of his Saturdays off this fall so we were able to all go one Saturday morning. Nathan had never been with us so it was a lot of fun to experience it together.
Usually we pick about 3 bushels so that I can make apple sauce to last most of the year. This year all of my canning supplies were still in storage so we only picked half a bushel for eating and baking. It was still a lot of apples to go through.
Tip: if you're using the apples for apple sauce you can pick "drops" for about half the price. People knock so many off the trees so typically they're just as good as the ones still attached.

This might have been the warmest apple picking experience yet. It's been an unusually warm fall and we are not complaining. January will be here soon enough.

The goats are always a big hit with the kids. 

Warm apple cider donuts after the hard work of apple picking with small children. Yes, please!

Third year getting their picture with the scarecrow. Maybe we can keep it up until they go to college.

And then we tried to get a decent picture with all the children sort-of looking in the right direction.

And since we are now officially staying in New Hampshire we'll be back next year for more apples.

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