Friday, July 31, 2015

Tall Ships

So our kids have been extra crazy the last few weeks. Like the kind of crazy that makes you vow never to take them out in public again. Well, then I got word that the tall ships were coming to Portsmouth. We've missed them the last few years and I didn't want to pass up seeing them again.

George was so very excited when I told him that we were going to see a big ship. The weather was perfect and the kids were, so far, acting pretty well. 

George was in awe of everything. I can't blame him since he was probably one of the smallest things on the ship.


I tried to get a picture of them together but Edith was too keen to run away.

As we were leaving George was very sad that we had to get off the boat. I asked him if he wanted to live on the boat and he said "yes!". 

I learned nothing about the boat since I was busy holding a toddler and making sure George wasn't going to plunge into the water below. Here is all the info on the glorious ship if you care to read.

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